What we do?
Gas Pipelines
Our company has been actively involved in the development of the energy field in the Republic of Moldova since the first days from establishment. The projects completed include:
The high pressure gas pipeline to the villages Ghirjauca, Dereneu, Hîrbovăț, Nișcani, Pitușca, Vărzăreşti, Sadova, Bahmut, Peticeni, Pirjolteni, Cabaesti, Parcani, Beautiful, Palanca, Lugo, Bravica from Călaraşi district, village. of Lozova, Micauţi and Gornoe from Straseni district, village of Bogzesti Telenesti district and the medium pressure pipeline in the village Coșniţa from the Dubasari district.
In cases where the gas pipeline in your community has been installed by our company, we also offer the service of connecting your household to the network. To be consulted on the connection and to receive a free consultation, please contact us.
Distribution of equipment for the construction of engineering networks.
For over 20 years our company has been supporting the construction and renovation of gas, water and sewerage networks. We are currently one of the market leaders in the production and distribution of technologies and equipment for the construction of engineering networks.
To be consulted about the availability of some products and to receive a free consultation regarding the quantity of products needed for a project, please contact us.
Water Pipelines
Fiecare om are dreptul la un trai decent cu o sursă de apă potabilă din care să se alimenteze pentru necesitățile personale si ale gospodăriei, aceasta e opinia împărtășită și de compania noastră, care de peste 20 de ani își îndeplinește rolul prin construirea de instalații, de apeducte si rețele de canalizare pentru îmbunătățirea bunăstării populației.
In cazurile când apeductul in comunitatea dumneavoastră a fost instalat de compania noastră, putem oferi și serviciul conectării la rețea pentru gospodărie. Pentru a fi consultați privind conectarea precum si pentru a primi o consultare gratuită va rugăm să ne contactați.
Boiler Rooms
The construction of administrative buildings heating facilities has become an important element in the list of activities of our company, with over 20 schools and town halls being rehabilitated and heated with the equipment installed by our company.
For more information on building heating systems and our activities in the field, to receive a free consultation on your heating project, please consider contacting us.
FC Codru Lozova
We are proud to be with Codru Lozova football club! We wish them continued success, to follow their luck on the renovated stadium in Lozova